pathfinder wonderous items. Washing a creature with the soap requires water and takes 1 minute, after. pathfinder wonderous items

 Washing a creature with the soap requires water and takes 1 minute, afterpathfinder wonderous items  Two items that can be useful in almost any situation and in the right situation can be lifesavers

Wondrous Items; Disclaimer. Command Word: If the activation is on command or if no activation method is suggested either in the magic item description or by the nature of. It's really up to your DM. Pathfinder Items Ioun stone. DESCRIPTION. Feats Craft Wondrous Item, compel hostility; Special creator must have 5 ranks in the Bluff skill; Cost 3,500 gp. Decanter of Endless Water. Name Cost; Glorious Tabard (Lesser) 400 gp: Robe of Infinite Twine: 1,000 gp: Robe of NeedlesPrice 3,800 gp. Precedent exists in the form of the mattock of the titans and maul of the titans, but these are largely exceptions rather than rules, both items dating back to at least the Dungeon Master's Guide for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, making those items' inclusion in Pathfinder pretty much a. For general information regarding item creation read the "Magic Item Creation" section. Most such vestments are green, embroidered with plant or animal motifs. A number of these items complement the class features and abilities of the new classes presented in this book, and others improve characters' ability to use occult skill unlocks, but most of these items are useful in many different situations. The neck slot consists of amulets, brooches, medallions, necklaces, periapts, scarabs, and other items that can be worn around the neck or fastened to a cloak. An 01 result indicates the wondrous item is intelligent, 02-31 indicates that something (a design, inscription, or the like) provides a clue to its function, and 32-100 indicates no special qualities. Helm of Fearsome Mien. These boots appear to be ordinary footgear. Washing a creature with the soap requires water and takes 1 minute, after. Aura moderate conjuration; CL 9th; Slot hands; Price 27,000 gp; Weight —. You receive a +2 bonus on your chosen Craft or Profession skill. DESCRIPTION. Wondrous items are diverse. Aura moderate abjuration; CL 7th; Slot body; Price 35,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. He is a very socially versatile character. This normal-appearing garment is attuned to one of three types of alignment. See Inferior Ioun Stones for details on cracked and flawed variant stones. Aura moderate transmutation; CL 10th; Slot body; Price 13,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. Any objects formerly stored in the box now rest inside the boat or ship. Feats Craft Wondrous Item, owl’s wisdom; Cost 2,000 gp (+2), 8,000 gp (+4), 18,000 gp (+6) Editor’s Note The original entry for the Headband of Inspired Wisdom in the Pathfinder Core Rulebook described it as “decorated with an intricate pattern of. “Wondrous item” is a catchall category for anything that doesn’t fall into other groups, such as weapons, staves, and so on. Cyclops Helm. Vest, Deadshot. You receive a +2 bonus on your chosen Craft or Profession skill. Two items that can be useful in almost any situation and in the right situation can be lifesavers. 2: If an item appears on the always available list, you may buy it at the market price. Bane Baldric is pretty neat for anyone in melee. Page of Spell Knowledge: A great way to get extra spells known. Wondrous items are rarely also weapons. Disable "Craft Magic Items" using the On/Off button. DESCRIPTION. Baldric, Merciful. Eyes of the Eagle Aura faint divination; CL 3rd; Slot eyes; Price 2,500 gp; Weight — DESCRIPTION These lenses are made of special crystal and fit over the eyes of the wearer. Magic items refers to Wounderous Items, but also rings, wands, staves, rods, armor, weapons, potions, scrolls, and technically some plants (because they function as an item, even though plants are normally creatures, these ones are considered immobile enough to be objects). He's mostly a skill character, not a huge damage dealer in combat, but I like fun things that give him something to do in combat. S-Class Characters: Bloodstalkers; The World's Coziest Little Haunted Hotel (A Pathfinder RPG Adventure). A character must wear this shirt continuously for 24 hours before he can activate this ability. DESCRIPTION. Items with Permanent Enchantments are somewhat self-explanatory and encompass things like Magic Armor, Magic Weapons, Magic Rings, Rods, Wondrous Items, Artifacts, Intelligent Items, Cursed Items, and Relics. Wondrous Figurine (Stuffed Fox) Item 5 This Item may contain spoilers from the Blood Lords Adventure Path Uncommon Source Pathfinder #182: Graveclaw pg. This light mantle bears a variety of mysterious symbols. COST 10,000 GP Craft Wondrous Item, eagle’s splendor, fox’s cunning, owl’s wisdom, creator must be an alchemist Admixture Vial. And missing a requirement is +5 DC, not +10. Check out spellstrike gloves. Kimono, Otherwordly. It follows all the normal rules for figurines of wondrous power (Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 513). DESCRIPTION. Feats Craft Wondrous Item, barkskin, creator’s. A skin walker is best because it can gain 3 natural attacks then use a Boar Pelt of the beast to gain two hooves. The belt’s wearer is affected as though subject to a permanent ant haul spell. Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st; Slot belt; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs. If you want to carry all of your loot you'll need one. Golden for a magus. Anyone can use a wondrous item, unless the item specifies otherwise. A pair of these wings might appear to be nothing more than a plain cloak of old, black cloth, or they could be as elegant as a long cape of blue feathers. Feats. Wondrous Items. After many sessions in a kingmaker adventure path, we reached level 7 and I decided to take Craft Wondrous Item. Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Slot body; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. Upon sharp impact, the bead explodes, sending forth a burst that deals 5d6 points of force damage to all creatures within a 10-foot radius. Cloak of Arachnida. Chest slot- quick runner's shirt (1,000 gp); for a fast getaway. ; Aura faint abjuration. Additionally, the six thin pockets on the bandolier are. Gloves, Assisting. If the aspergillum is filled with one of these alchemical weapons, treat the contents as holy. , each addition--small and large--has only added to the load, with some supplements like Ultimate Equipment putting literally hundreds more items into the mix. Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Slot belt; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. Insistent Doorknocker. the +5 DC is cumulative per requirement. The upper tier of this group created enchanted masks. These vambraces change their appearance depending on who wears them. Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st; Slot belt; Price 2,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs. If you decide to pay the difference of magic item's Price, then this difference already includes both the magical components and his spellcasting services. The belt’s wearer gains a +4 competence bonus on Acrobatics checks made to move through a threatened square or through an enemy’s space. Command Word: If the activation is on command or if no activation method is suggested either in the magic item description or by the nature of. The usual first - weapon (enhancement bonus first, holy, grayflame and/or vicious next priority), belt of giant's strength, headband of (adjective) charisma, armor (enhancement bonus), cloak of resistance/amulet of natural armor/ring of deflection. The magical components cost is always half the market price of the item, everything else is profit for the creator/seller. You can also mend a broken wondrous. This sight can be attached to a single two-handed firearm. This wide leather is held together with two strands of oxen skin threaded through holes on each end. Crafting a wondrous item takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its price. To create a wondrous item, you must use up raw materials costing half of its base price. CONSTRUCTION REQUIREMENTS. Treat this as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn. A wizard can fill the 1,000 pages of a blessed. Although Pathfinder started with a manageable quantity of wondrous items, unique weapons, unique armors, etc. The Animal Totem Tattoo is one of my favorite lesser known wondrous items. The Witch is distinguished from the wizard by a flavor and by their Hex. This leather vest is fitted with a number of pockets that are useful for storing the ingredients necessary for alchemical tinkering. These wondrous items are usually use-activated or triggered by a command word, but details vary from item to item. This well-made tome is always of small size, typically no more than 12 inches tall, 8 inches wide, and 1 inch thick. DESCRIPTION. Ring of Sustenance. RazarTuk. Along the left, if desired, enter your crafting PC's take-10 value, representing the final Spellcraft check required to complete a Wondrous Item. VictorBelmont Pathlevania • 9 yr. This holy garment bears the varied religious icons and favored colors of a specific faith. Vest, All Tools. Im also looking for items that will be useful later in the game when i get more money. Wondrous items are usually use-activated or activated by a command word, but details vary from item to item. The left and right halves may be separated and worn individually, allowing two people. Bag of Holding/Handy Haversack. Aura moderate evocation; CL 10th; Slot body; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. However, this is a difficult item to master. Caster Level: 20th; Prerequisites: Craft Wondrous Item, Craft Epic. Charge them up at the end of each day, then use them for more Lay on Hands. I'm joining an in-progress campaign as a level 8 Brawler. Clockwork Prosthesis. Anyone who crawls inside finds 10 (unlabeled) levers and seating for. Rather than being made of one continuous line of material, this belt consists of many bits of tanned leather joined together by thick metal studs. Permanent items consist of armor, held items, runes, shields, staves, wands, weapons, and worn items. Introduction. Aura faint conjuration and transmutation; CL 4th; Slot chest; Price 5,200 gp; Weight —. Aura faint necromancy; CL 1st; Slot head; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 4 lbs. Edit: Psionics, Path of War, and both Spheres systems are allowed as well as their magical items. Description A sashimono of comfort is a purple Tian silk banner, typically 3 feet tall and 1 foot wide, decorated with three stylized orchid flowers. If a wondrous item effect requires a. Aura strong divination; CL 15th; Slot head; Price 5,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs. Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Special creator must be 12th level; Cost 15,000 gp. When activated, stormlures call to the wind, causing a tempestuous gale. So, my PFS Gnome Investigator just jumped to 6th level after applying a GM chronicle and an AP chronicle. So the wondrous item would have to follow the pricing scheme of the bonus it provides, which is drastically more expensive (400 [Bonus Squared] x 2000gp [weapon bonus base value] x 1/2 [only applies to accuracy, not damage] x 2. • 3 yr. A firearm wielder can choose to spend a full-round action to make a single shot with a firearm that. Sleeves of Many Garments. When this ability is first selected, the legendary item starts with base Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores of 10. The animal serves the character who drew it from the bag for 10 minutes (or until slain or ordered. ; Slot none; Price 5,000 gp. Feats Craft Wondrous Item, overland flight; Cost 10,000 gp (5 ft. 4 Winds Fantasy. The diadem’s gem grants the wearer greater control over its associated element. Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store. They grant a +5 competence bonus on Perception checks. The wearer of these gauntlets gains a +2 bonus on one type of combat maneuver check (such as bull rush, disarm, or steal) chosen by the creator when the item is created. Wondrous items are rarely also weapons. Aura moderate abjuration; CL 8th; Slot chest; Price 20,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs. Glass Walrus: This figurine of wondrous power is shaped like a walrus and is carved out of a prismatic crystal. The Open RPG Games industry has come together to create a mega-bundle to help, with all proceeds going to help Owen with those bills. Aura moderate necromancy; CL 9th; Slot body; Price 16,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. a carpet of flying can hover without making a Fly skill check and gives a +5 bonus to other Fly checks. Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Special creator must be able to create alchemical extracts of the extract level to be stored; Cost 500 gp (1st), 2,000 gp (2nd), 4,500 gp (3rd), 8,000 gp. Aura strong conjuration; CL 15th; Slot neck; Price 120,000 gp; Weight —. Boots of Striding and Springing - 5500 gp Useful for any class, increasing base move speed and acrobatics skill. If you are short on cash, selling wonderous items should get you more cash quickly than wands. Magic plants are a new type of magic item that are cultivated rather than constructed. These magical garments are highly sought after by witches, for though anyone may wear a witching gown, only a witch may realize its full potential. ; Aura strong conjuration. DESCRIPTION. At the most basic level, the garment functions as. 77 Price 125 gp Usage held in 1 hand; Bulk L This small toy fox has tufted, fluffy ears and buttons for eyes. Feats Craft Wondrous Item, bull’s strength; Cost 250 gp. Wondrous Items. I never had the desire to tackle crafting in 3. This armlet absorbs all Wind elemental damage, healing the wearer. The skill-boosting Worn Items are quite useful, in particular healer's gloves (+1 Medicine and heal 2d6+7 once per day) and lifting belt (+1 Athletics, improves your Bulk limits by 2, and lift 8 Bulk in one shot, unlimited use). These are not necessarily for clerics only, but are handy additions to useful magic items with a religious theme. Construction Requirements Craft Wondrous Item, Cat's Grace; Cost 2,000 gp (+2), 8,000 gp (+4), 18,000 gp (+6) First he pays the 2,000 gp. DESCRIPTION. Pathfinder did away with experience costs to create magic items, so the old Artificer XP pool is now moot. Vest of Stable Mutation. Feats Craft Wondrous Item; Special creator must have the. 4k Clear - 4k Western star - 4k Pale orange (flawed) - 12k Iridescent - 18k Pearly white. When this is done, the sight becomes part of the weapon, but can be removed from that weapon with a full-round action. Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st; Slot hands; Price 180 gp; Weight 1 lb. This soft cap helps the wearer free herself from outside influences. Magic Weapon Special Abilities;. Anyone can use a hand slot wondrous item unless specified otherwise by the item's description. Aura strong transmutation; CL 17th; Slot chest; Price 50,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. ago. The vest also grants its. In its larger form, the boat has a deck, single rowing seats, five sets of oars, a rudder, an anchor, a deck cabin, and a mast with a square sail. This small black sphere appears to be a lusterless pearl. The belt allows a creature to wear a magic ring on each foot in addition to the ring on each hand, though only two rings function at any given time. Ebony Fly Figurine of Wondrous Power. Aura strong conjuration; CL 17th; Weight 1 lb. Ioun stones - dusty rose for AC for sure; orange and pale green are nice, though if using added Paizo magic items, you can get cheaper less bonuses stones. DESCRIPTION. Aura faint divination; CL 2nd; Slot eye; Price 7,500 gp; Weight 1 lb. This elegant cape, trimmed in gold in a pattern resembling an ancient maze, forestalls the negative effects of aging. " This staff can be used to cast spells using any metamagic feats known by the wielder without increasing the spell’s level. The head slot consists of caps, circlets, crowns, halos, hats, helms, hoods, laurels, masks, veils, wigs, and other non-headband slot items that can be worn on the head. The eyes slot consists of eyes, goggles, lenses, monocles, spectacles, and other items that can be worn over the eyes. Halinn. Eyes of the eagle are nice, cheap way to get +5 perception. Once per day as a swift action, the wearer can take an additional move action to move and then immediately end his turn, losing any unspent actions. Feats Craft Wondrous Item, true seeing; Cost 1,750 gp. If a wondrous item’s effect requires a saving throw from any creature, the DC is equal to 10 + 1/2 the item’s caster level. Craft Wondrous Item, cat’s grace; Cost 2,000 gp (+2), 8,000 gp (+4), 18,000 gp. DESCRIPTION. The wearer can use detect thoughts at will. This set of mithral masterwork thieves’ tools springs to life in the hands of a skilled user. Aura strong transmutation; CL 15th; Slot eye; Price 110,000 gp; Weight —. Their passive bonuses to the wizard are. and blindsense 60 ft. 3. Eyes slot-The original post said 10k so you really can't blame people for answering the question with an item that is under 10k. Restless Lockpicks. I have a level 7 Kitsune Bard (Sound Striker), Savienne. ago. Price 6,400 gp; Slot none; CL 13th; Weight 25 lbs. The boot’s wearer always takes the minimum possible damage from falls (as if the GM had rolled a 1 on each. I'm a fan of the JotFS myself. 2. Become an Editor! SupportSpectacles of Understanding. This more economical version of the bag of holding functions in the same manner, but its internal measurements are smaller than those of a regular bag of holding. Once per day on command, the wearer of a stormlure is surrounding by swirling winds for. This 60-foot length of silk rope weighs 3 pounds and can hold up to 3,000 pounds. There's one item--the third-party major artifact Tsystalor's breastplate--that renders the wearer immune to blindness. 5E) As part of the process of gaining a third eye, the creator grafts an actual eye into the palm of the recipient’s hand. S-Class Characters: Bloodstalkers; The World's Coziest Little Haunted Hotel (A. Command word activation means. Halfling Jugglesticks*-HLNG [25GP] Halfling Only & +2 Circumstance Perform Comedy. Sorted by: 4. Neat, but. When worn, these innocent-looking spectacles convert any written language to one known by the wearer, as the comprehend languages spell. It measures 2 feet by 4 feet and can carry up to 50 pounds or 6 cubic feet of material. These scarred and worn armbands have clearly seen rough use, and are constructed out of coarse leather and fastened with thick leather straps. The electricity one, with Rapid Shot and Haste, just sounds brutal. Boots, Daredevil Softpaws. . Each time the wielder takes damage. Some must be worn in a specific magic item slot in order to work, while others must merely be possessed and utilized. If the hand wearing the glove is empty, the shadow falcon brings the item to the wearer’s hand. Three times per day as a standard action, the wearer of these gloves may attempt a disarm combat maneuver on a target within 30 feet. This amulet toughens the wearer’s body and flesh, giving him or her an enhancement bonus to his or her natural armor of +6 or higher, depending on the type of amulet. Protection from Elements. A wand has it's own requirements above and beyond that of a potion or wonderous item. Precedent exists in the form of the mattock of the titans and maul of the titans, but these are largely exceptions rather than rules, both items dating back to at least the Dungeon Master's Guide for Advanced Dungeons and Dragons, making those items' inclusion in Pathfinder pretty much a. DESCRIPTION. You were aware of the much lower rate in Pathfinder, but meant to use something that isn't Pathfinder to try and argue what things should cost in. Jingasa of the Fortunate Soldier. The bracers grant the wearer a +2 bonus on concentration checks made to cast defensively. Wondrous Items - Feet. 553. Some must be worn in a specific magic item slot in order to work, while others must merely be possessed and used. 58 Aura moderate enchantment; CL 7th Slot neck; Price 11,000 gp; Weight — Description Originally created by the Varisians, this elaborate silver and glass necklace renders the wearer immune to any magical effect that detects lies and grants the wearer a +2 bonus on Will saves to resist any magic that. Once per day, when the wearer fails a saving throw against a mind-affecting effect, she can reroll the save and take the second result. This ordinary-looking, windowless tent appears to cover only a 10-foot-by-10-foot area, but, inside, it measures a full 30 feet by 30 feet, with a large central area and three small “bedrooms” (separated by curtains) along the back wall. However, during the jump between the last campaign and this one, the surviving characters spent a period of 2 years fighting in a large-scale war. Aura moderate conjuration; CL 11th; Slot chest; Price 60,000 gp; Weight 2 lbs. DESCRIPTION. The World's Coziest Little Haunted Hotel (A Pathfinder RPG Adventure) S-Class Characters: Time Wardens; Earthdawn Player's Guide Softcover (Pathfinder Edition) Earthdawn Game Master's Guide Softcover (Pathfinder Edition) Patreon Supporters. The hand uses the wearer’s base attack bonus or. Price 2,805 gp; Slot none; CL 3rd; Weight 4 lbs. Some also cover the wearer’s face, but don’t interfere with the wearer’s vision. Belt of Giant Strength / Belt of Physical Might: You need Strength and Constitution, but most paladins won’t have a use for Dexterity. pinstripedbarbarian. Winged boots for flight; or if combat oriented, boots of speed. These wondrous items are usually use-activated or triggered by a command word, but details vary from item to item. Spun from combed cotton, this simple, unassuming gown bears a strong aura of witchcraft. DESCRIPTION. Common Racial Items. Aura moderate evocation; CL 10th; Slot chest; Price 8,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. If anyone reads this book, which takes a total of 48 hours over a minimum of 6 days, she gains an inherent bonus from +1 to +5 (depending on the type of tome) to her Wisdom score. Cpt. Rings and wondrous items are pretty much the only types of items that this matters with. Key of Lock Jamming - 400 gp Seals a door shut and makes it harder to break down, situational, but useful. com Anyone can use a wondrous item, unless the item specifies otherwise. Price 3,750 gp; Slot neck; CL 9th; Weight —; Aura moderate abjuration and conjuration. Aura faint conjuration; CL 1st; Slot chest; Price 200 gp; Weight 1 lb. "Wondrous item" is a. When the wearer speaks the command word, the cloak turns into a pair of bat. Jun 27, 2017, 06:50 pm. The haste effect’s duration need not be consecutive rounds. This rich tea can be made from any number of herbs. The item can be used three times per week for up to 12 hours per use. I have 33000g to work with. She also needs a supply of materials, the most obvious being the item itself or the pieces of the item to be assembled. A fair amount of first level characters have good odds of surviving 20 points of damage, really. Anyone can use a wondrous item, unless the item. Aura moderate divination; CL 9th; Slot eyes; Price 3,500 gp; Weight 1 lb. So if you are looking for a >5,000gp item, its easy to find which ones fit into that category. Aura faint enchantment; CL 3rd; Slot feet; Price 1,400 gp; Weight 1 lb. Low Level Magic Items. Any creature can use a wondrous item (unless specified otherwise in the description, such as requiring a particular class feature). Additionally, the unbrewed tea can. Aura strong conjuration; CL 15th; Slot body; Price 67,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. Anyone can use a head slot wondrous item unless specified otherwise by its description. Additionally, the boots enable her to travel at normal speed across the slipperiest ice (horizontal surfaces only, not vertical or sharply slanted ones) without. When unworn or in the hands of a non-cavalier, they appear to be an ordinary pair of steel. Any creature can use a wondrous item (unless specified otherwise in the description, such as requiring a particular class feature). I am already aware of the snakeskin tunic that gives +2 enhancement bonus to dexterity. Wondrous item, very rare (requires attunement) Starting off the list with an Assassin’s dream accessory, the cloak of arachnida is made of black silk and flush with magical properties. So the most important items you can make with Craft Wondrous are the Headband of X Stat, Belt of X Stat, Cloak of Resistance, and Amulet of Natural Armor. A carpet of flying can carry up to double its capacity, but doing so reduces its speed to 30 feet. Latest Pathfinder products in the Open Gaming Store. Aura moderate illusion; CL 11th; Slot body; Price 27,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. Figurine of Wondrous Power (Obsidian Raven) 15,000 gp. DESCRIPTION. DESCRIPTION. Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd. Obsidian Steed Figurine of Wondrous Power. Some magic items under 4,000 gp that may be useful for a witch: Body slot- robe of needles (1,000 gp) bodywrap of mighty strikes (3,000 gp); for a white-haired witch or one with unarmed strikes/natural attacks. When a sorcerer dons a robe of arcane heritage, the stitching pulls itself apart and reweaves to. This pale metal or ivory helm covers much of the head when worn. Sleeves of Storage. Goggles, Kinsight. The ring also refreshes the body and mind; its wearer needs only sleep 2 hours per day to gain the benefit of 8 hours of sleep. You must wear a vest of endure elements for 24 hours before it begins to take effect. On command, they sprout wings at the heel and let the wearer fly, without having to maintain concentration, as if affected by a fly spell (including a +4 bonus on Fly skill checks). This Multi-Publisher mega-bundle includes more than 350 separate products, with a combined value of OVER $1,000. It can be folded, twisted, hinged, and bent, to form almost any known tool. All Tools Vest. The transformation can take place once per day, with a maximum duration of 8. Craft Wondrous Item, fox’s cunning; Cost 2,000 gp (+2), 8,000 gp (+4), 18,000 gp (+6) FAQ/Errata If I wear a headband of vast intelligence , do I get retroactive skill ranks for my Int increase in addition to the skill ranks associated with the item? Wondrous Items. Cloak of Resistance: Too crucial to forgo. a Wizard who picked up Craft Wondrous Item can give themselves or their skillmonkey allies full ranks in a variety of. x93edwards wrote: Rodger Graham wrote: In Chapter 4: Feats, the DC to craft a magic item is 10 + the item's caster level. While worn by a kineticist, this item increases the damage dealt by the kineticist’s. As a swift action before casting a spell, the wearer expends one use of her 1st-level bloodline power and selects one target of the spell to be affected by that. Furthermore, he can send a telepathic message to anyone whose surface thoughts he is reading (allowing two-way communication). Caine : Mar. The goggles are not magic and can be replaced with other goggles or eye slot items. If you hold one end of the rope and use an action to speak the command word, the rope animates. Headband, Dead Man’s. Wondrous Items - Belts. DESCRIPTION. In D&D 3. The banner is attached to a lance, polearm, staff, or frame, which. Wondrous items are diverse. ; Slot none; Price 500 gp. DESCRIPTION. Aura moderate transmutation; CL 7th; Slot —; Price 12,500 gp; Weight 1 lb. Activation: A ring’s ability is usually. The wearer may command the cassock of the clergy to display the holy symbol of her deity or hide this symbol. This appears to be a piece of silver or gold jewelry used to fasten a cloak or cape. DESCRIPTION. Winged Boots, Flying Carpet, Broom of Flying, etc. Two of my favorites are Gloves of Reconnaissance and the Rod of Lordly Might. Goggles of Night/Thirdeye Midnight (darkvision) Ring of Sustenance. Rather than being made of one continuous line of material, this belt consists of many bits of tanned leather joined together by thick metal studs. Your superior crafting skills allow you to create simple magic items. Companion Stone of Electrical Protection: The wielder of a staff enhanced with this stone is protected from electrical damage. Aura faint conjuration and illusion; CL 3rd; Slot feet; Price 6,480 gp; Weight 1 lb. Mask of Destruction and Creation (Nethys) 5,000 gp. Aura moderate transmutation; CL 9th; Weight 2 lbs. This cloak appears to be made of leather until the wearer enters salt water. While falling, the bearer can snap and destroy the snapleaf as an immediate action to gain the benefits of feather fall and invisibility. 25 Aura faint abjuration; CL 1st Slot torso; Price 1,000 gp; Weight — Description This long sheepskin vest grants the benefits of an endure elements spell when worn. Community / Forums / Pathfinder / Pathfinder First Edition / Rules Questions / Magic Item for moving through difficult terrain :Top 10 Magic Items for Rogues. Aura faint transmutation; CL 1st; Slot feet; Price 1,000 gp; Weight 1 lb. Not a wondrous item, but try to get a ring. Get Bracers of the Merciful Knight instead. Wondrous Items; Artifacts; Cursed Items; Intelligent Items; Magic Armor; Magic Items (3rd Party) Magic Items DB; Magic Weapons. Price 10,000 gp. Wondrous Items - Ioun Stones Description Source: Pathfinder Society Primer Resonant Powers When an ioun stone is set within the special indentation in a wayfinder, a secondary resonant power sometimes manifests to augment the ioun stone’s powers, though this suppresses the wayfinder’s normal magical abilities. Standard epic wondrous items are described below. Ioun Stones slotless wonderous items that can provide a variety of bonuses. DESCRIPTION. Plus anyone with the requisite Craft feat can upgrade an existing magic item to a better version, or add an additional effect to the item at +50% cost (with DM approval). Bracers of The Avenging Knight: Four more levels of Smite means 4 more damage per hit. Ring of Discretion. This implement at first seems to be nothing but a 12-inch iron bar lined with small plates and spikes. Wondrous Items. Prerequisite (s): Base attack bonus +1. An elemental augmentation must be crafted or purchased just like any other magic item, but it is inert until used to augment a willing recipient. If the wearer is a barbarian, she can use the intimidating glare rage power whenever she rages. Embroidered images of cherry blossoms and cranes in flight adorn this blue silk kimono. Wondrous item costs. Cloak of resistance +1. Aura faint divination and enchantment; CL 5th; Slot head; Price 27,000 gp; Weight 3 lbs. If the wearer has a swim speed, she gains a +10 foot enhancement bonus to her swim speed. If the ball is removed and tossed up to 20 feet away, it turns into an animal. DESCRIPTION. CL 11th; Craft Wondrous Item, animate objects, invisibility, whispering wind. ago.